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I don't Tag.

02/28/2013 21:19
Remember, under any circumstances, I will not list any names in articles I post without consent of that person.

3 Year mark

02/28/2013 21:17
This website has been up and running for 3 years so far. Congradulations to the website.


06/18/2012 21:57
Hello Viewers! Welcome to This website talks about me and what goes on in my life. Not like what goes on in facebook like "Going to the store" anyways lets stop that train of thought it gives me a head ache. *cough cough* join google+ *cough cough*. I will talk about...


06/18/2012 17:59
Amount Complete: Website Frame                   =1/1        -100% Blog                                     =3/4      ...


06/18/2012 15:21
If you are wondering what Steam is, it is not the gas that comes out of pipes. To show it is not gas, that type of steam is not a proper noun. What I mean by that is Steam is a game filled with games. steam is the stuff that is in pipes. How to I know? Like I said, it is lowercased (simplified)....

Google Plus

06/18/2012 15:14
Yes I do NOT use FaceBook. It is a terrible website with incessant drama. I hate this drama. It is irritating me. So I use Google+. I never used FB in the first place. My family told me the drama on there, to prove it, they showed me. That is not at all what is wrong with FB, it also has futile...

About the website

06/08/2011 15:20
  This website contains news, blogs, and more! This website will be updated really frequently. Be sure to come back and check out the new things that were posted

Welcome to

This wesite will have blogs, news, and things people will love. Any inappropriate language or anything like that, you will be dislodged from posting comments. By all means necessary, your comments will be removed. You must use good language and no bad stuff, if you ever find someone doing something bad, report that person to a moniter. These will not be allowed:

1.Cursing or Swearing

2.Racial Language

3.Life Threats

4.Dont give out phone numbers without permission from the moniter

5.Never give out any personal/private information such as; where you live: address, street, etc.

6.Be respectful to everyone

7.Dont hurt any feelings

8.Keep your harsh and cruel comments ot yourself

9.Do not pose as the Moderator

Those are the rules, follow all of them. If any of the rules are broken, that comment is dismissed from the chat box. 

About the chatting below, to tell if the server monitor is talking, he will have the heading as Monitor We never had one problem except one comment from Tara saying the phrase "It should die in a lonely hole." Was completely unexceptable and exactly inexcusable. That rude comment was removed. We plan to not have any more problems. We wish to stay as a good website forever with no disruptions. 


Enjoy your stay at the website, my YouTube channel is located on this site as well


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